
What makes us different from our competitors

We believe that the greatest value we can provide to our customers is satisfaction with a no-hassle approach. How do we do that?

  • Product fitment guarantee!

    We guarantee that the part we ship to you will fit. If it does not, for unanticipated reasons, we make sure to cover the costs for returning the part and sending you the right one. In order to be able to guarantee this, however, we need some information from you. In particular, we require the specifics of your car model and not just the name or product number of the part you want to order. Hence, simply make sure to provide that information online or on the phone – and you get peace of mind in return!

  • Availability and prices as shown on our website are subject to change

    As is the case with the vast majority of e-commerce companies, we too reserve the right to change the listed availability and prices on our website without notification.

  • Easy Returns

    If for whatever reason, you find yourself unsatisfied, or not needing items you have purchased from The Wrench Monkey, we provide customers with a flexible 30 Day Return Policy to allow you to return merchandise for a full refund, including applicable taxes. Please see Returns for details.

We are happy to deliver the best auto parts to you at great prices. Call or click today to order, ask a question, or leave a comment!